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- Oracle Cards - Reality Shifting Consciousness Technology Experience
Oracle Cards - Reality Shifting Consciousness Technology Experience
Brand new deck of oracle/tarot type cards. The technology and information
within is lovingly created by Seth Buoymaster as guided by Sasquatch and Star Elders
Reality Shifting Consciousness Technology Experience
A Sasquatch, Star Elder and Human Co-Creation
Developed by Seth Buoymaster
You have all on a collective level been working to manifest this with all your thoughts and feelings about life. You are tired of the obvious corruption, secrecy, greed, crimes against nature and humanity and have been wishing a life without all that and more. The time is NOW to give it birth. When you blend with the energies you will find that this kind of Ascension Life is the answer to all your prayers. It helps fulfills your deepest desire to learn, heal and grow without obstruction and selfish self-serving beings that are limiting life for others with their agendas.
The Reality Shifting Consciousness Technology Experience
A shift in consciousness is essential for a shift in reality.
The Time is Now to be conscious of the POWER OF CONSCIOUSNESS as a tool for co-creation.
The more you let go of your prejudice, judgment and fear, the easier you will KNOW the capabilities of the Sasquatch People, Star Elders and yourself.
Those that choose to indulge in prejudice and judgment are under a purposefully planted program and will miss out on the natural abilities of what they can share and our own capabilities.
Once a personal awareness of their multidimensional abilities is recognized, an inner question may arise, “Am I capable of this same understating and action as well?” The answer is YES! We are capable of many seemingly impossible feats if we Re-member who we are and our own capabilities.
To further verify, it is important to address the topics of DNA and Epigenetic Overlays (EO).
There is evidence from the Sasquatch Genome Project (Dr. Melba Ketchum) that the credible sample used has an exact maternal DNA match to our human DNA. The name given by the DNA bank to this unidentified species from the analyzed sample is Homo Sapiens Cognatus. Cognatus means blood relative.
With that said, if DNA is part of the orchestration of expression, then it is clear that we possess abilities that are unknown and /or repressed.
The Epigenetic Overlay (EO) is part of the commanding system of the DNA. When we are exposed to different environments, (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually) we pick up different information through the EO and that can influence how our DNA expresses.
In order to express our highest potential we must shift our focus and alignment out of the victim/victimizer program and its effects. We must spend our time focusing and aligning with the energies of the different states-of-being that co-create Eternal Life.
Organic Eternal Life Reality Fields are made up of many different states-of-being such as Perfect Harmony, Perfect Balance, Perfect Love and Perfect Co-Creation, to name a few.
When we fully align with the consciousness technology of these cards, we purge and realign our EO to more Eternal Life states-of-being which co-create Eternal Life Realities. Moreover, the DNA/RNA will express in an entirely different way, which shifts the reality around us to the energies we are most closely and predominately aligned.
The daily use of this consciousness technology helps build a progressive transformation. The more you tap into the different perfect states-of-being, the more its energetic influence changes the EO, and on down the line.
The most important question to ask at this time is, “What are you choosing to align with every second of every day?” Your choices will determine your path in life. There is the fall and there is the wave of ascent. This offering helps you master the wave of ascent.
When love is present during interactions, a natural dispensation from a more perfected being helps awaken self-potential. That is what will be happening as you spend time with the pure consciousness connected to the cards.
The Sasquatch People and the Star Elders, through these pointers, are redirecting your awareness out of limited points of view. Redirection, co-resonance and expression are the keys to reality shifting.
The more you co-resonate with the full energies of each card, the more you purify antagonistic dis-harmonics and realign with what makes up the Eternal Life States.
The more you amplify the consciousness states, the more it changes your normal state of being. It helps to replace the destructive consciousness state that you get stuck in as your experience energy, time and dimensional dynamics with constructive consciousness states.
This co-creation (deck of cards) is ALIVE! Each card provides and essential anchor point, a trigger, that helps you to Re-member and EXPRESS the authentic parts of yourself.
The benevolent Sasquatch People and Star Elders emulate an Organic Life. The other routes of super advanced technologies has its place, yet the Authentic Organic Life Way, as all of you will find out, is the most enjoyable path back HOME.
One clear big difference between the Organic Life and the Machine Life is that the Organic Life is a living consciousness, not a dead artificial one.
The following message was given by various Sasquatch People and Star Elders to Seth Buoymaster whom transcribed it.
“We have been around for quite some time and have retained our consciousness and ability to access the collective consciousness of our people. Your Eternal Authentic Identity is ready, willing and able to oversee and assist in all the transformations.”
“The only job, as you will discover, is to completely surrender the false identifications and modes of operation to the modes of operation that co-create Eternal Life. In other words, GOD LIFE, the wholesome life. This is the true relationship and expression of THE ONE, as many, as ONE Eternally. What follows are many of the qualities of the GOD LIFE.”
“As more and more levels of perfection pour forth to this planet affecting all life, the more you must be able to keep up with such perfect energies. As you go through the deck, you will be purifying and perfecting your entire being so you can easily shift with the inevitable life of Perfect Co-Creation.”
“This may seem like such a hard reality to grasp to those that have lived for so long in discord. We speak from experience. ETERNAL ONENESS PERFECTION is possible, very real, and inevitable.”
“Each card, due to the consciousness technology applied to it, helps adjust the energies of your being as your focus (interface) on it. This helps change the way you organize yourself, which then coalesces life to the new energies of what you are focusing on, aligning to and emanating out to existence.”
“No longer will the energies of discordant experiences be denied within yourselves. In order to move forward with the ascending earth, it is important to transform the unhealthy pains (trauma) of the past. As you align with these energies, they will bump into the pains and transform them. Let the unhealthy pains transform and you will free yourself in a gracious way from your own denials.”
“The long standing unhealthy patterns, through progressive utilization of the consciousness technology inherent in the cards, will assist in continual transformations.”
“It is up to you to be 100% responsible so that 100% transformation takes place. When you are truly sincere, you can transform anything. As you transform within, the reality around you shifts in direct proportion. There is a big difference between wanting to transform and sincerely choosing to COMPLETELY transform.”
“A dispensation of grace is inherent in each card which helps remove energetic distortions and heal ALL you do not need to know about in order to learn, heal, and grow.”
“This helps to ease the purge as you rehabilitate from the destructive victim/victimizer program. Breathe through the old frozen emotions as they arise and be the OBSERVER of them.”
“The word Perfect is used throughout to let you know that it is pointing to the highest actualization of the state-of-being. This approach shows that it is far from wishy-washy speculation. It is the ultimate acknowledgement and declaration of that quality.”
This ends the transcriptions by various Sasquatch People and Star Elders.
(Enliven Yourself and you Enliven Life)
The use of Perfect Surrender
Start by picking the Perfect Surrender card to maximize your proficiency of Perfect Surrender. This will help you get the most out of the rest of the deck and to further your oneness with LIFE.
Perfect Surrender helps purge unhealthy energies. By affirming, “I am Perfect Surrender” during the purge, it helps to make for a non-dramatic, non-threatening, gracious experience of relief. When you command the state of being 100%, you will shift 100%.
As you shuffle the deck, ask “What state-of-being do I most need to align with?” Pick a card that interests you. Work with it throughout the day and deeply align with the energies.
Take time to become familiar with each card as this will provide a much needed rehabilitation of your consciousness. There is a built-in mechanism within the consciousness of the cards so that overload is impossible. Take time to integrate the energies.
To achieve the best results, slow down and REALLY immerse yourself and build your ability to co-create a healthy relationship with a pure consciousness being. Part of the interspecies healthy relationship project is befriending beings that are of a pure consciousness form.
If you keep picking the same card, surrender more than you did before for a deeper affect until the embodiment is 100%. Then work to hold that state-of-being and radiate it in a relaxed way.
Broadcast the Natural Eternal Life Expressions into the different areas of life for the service to others initiative.
As you progressively work your way through the deck, place a chosen charm, one you may want to wear or use as a talisman, on the circle of your chosen card for 30 seconds. The charm (or crystal or whatever you choose), when completely enlivened with the consciousness of all the cards, will be a powerful tool for ascension as the consciousness states are those that co-create Eternal Life Realities.
In order to get the maximum effect from the cards and the charm, you must interface with it by focusing on it. Once you are in touch with it, it will become aware of you and share its full presence with you.
Remember, you are connecting with a living consciousness and another aspect of yourself. Ask it questions once you are interfaced and allow the enlivenment to go deeper.
When you have used the cards enough to merge your awareness to the expanded perfect state-of-being and truly manifest the full complement of the Perfect Presence, you will not need reminders anymore. You will be able to align with and express Perfect Presences at will.
This project creates living charms to manifest a charming life.
Place an object (small crystals, sand, or long-lasting non-toxic elements) on the entire deck of cards for at least 30 seconds. The enlivenment process will clear the object of discordant energies and then enliven the object for life with all of the energies of the consciousness states within the deck.
Take the enlivened object and place it near the base of a tree, four inches into the soil. This will bring optimal results to the surrounding land.
You may place your object around your home or parks or place it into waterways or oceans. Further explore your intuition about how you can spread the Enlivened object to assist with Full Planetary Ascension.
You can also place food or drink on the cards for enlivenment, which will in turn, help transform YOU on a cellular-energetic level when consumed.
Everything is alive. Be friends with the eternal nature of life and you will inherit your natural role of being a “Loving Conscious Co-Creative Cosmic Master of LIFE.” What you co-create based on a loving friendship will be Heavenly LIFE.
“Spread the Perfections!”
“Let’s see what YOU can REALLY do!”
- Your Elders –
The related technologies are offered for theoretical exploration and are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any illness, ailments or affliction.
This deck of cards has been in the works along with ‘The Sasquatch Message to Humanity’ Book 3, as trickles of information presented itself. The final product of this deck is designed to be an extension of the Planetary Stewardship Initiative, Project Authentic Perfection. This consciousness technology has been greatly expanded upon with 34 additional states-of-perfection to empower yourself and disseminate to life.
Each card is connected to a living thought-form being. As you interface with it, it becomes aware of you and shares its full presence. This helps us Re-member the Natural Organic States that make up the Eternal Nature that we are. When you’re aligned with these states-of-being it really helps you to exercise transformation. Why? Because these states are not bogged down with low self-esteem and any level of dis-empowerment. They help shift us into those states until we can hold them without our discordant unresolved pasts creating a conflict with it. Much more is explained in the deck’s intro for Planetary Stewardship Initiative phase 2.
Seth Buoymaster practices energy and holistic healing in Beverly Hills, Florida. Seth has a B.S. in Holistic Health from American Institute of Holistic Theology (A.I.H.T) and is a Reiki Master (Usui Shiki Ryoho).